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| | I'm admiring the fenomenal views from the aptly named Blvd des Pyrenees in Pau - lots of mountains that I did not climb. But it was no picknick either today, 100 km in the blazing sun with 1490 m climbing including the Col d'Osquich - bet you never heard of that one before :-). It's probably a cat 3 climb. Beautiful countryside, and a lot greener than Iberia. According to monsieur Michelin tomorrow also features some climbing, with 2 sections marked 9-13%. Haven't had such markings before but I guess it may be time for the 34x27...bonne nuit! | | Responda a este MMS Componha gratuitamente uma Mensagem Multimédia para os seus amigos. Ou, pode usar a opção Responder/Reply no seu cliente de email, se pretender responder com uma mensagem de texto. Para entrar no compositor de Mensagens Multimédia clique aqui . | | | | |
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